Welcome to the location for all the news you need to know about the 19th USAWest Square Dance Convention, to be held in beautiful San Diego, California August 17 - 20, 2022!
If you are already registered, we are so glad you decided to join us. Use this site to keep on top of the latest information. If you are not already registered, you can find information here about registration, our dance facility, hotel accommodations, special events, dance schedule, and more!
What’s happening at the 19th USAWest Square Dance Convention?
San Diego is a wonderful vacation spot – come early, stay over, enjoy everything Southern California has to offer in the summertime! We'll be ready for you in 2022!
You can win one of these two beautiful quilts
for only a buck!*
Raffle tickets are for sale at $1 per ticket. Buy a book for $10 and have 10 chances!
Tickets will be available in person at conventions where USA West is represented.
*OK, with enough luck, you could win both of them for only $2...
Sponsored by the San Diego Square Dance Association.